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About me

i have the classic “Type A” personality..
i make my life to be exactly what i wanted it to be..

i'm unpredictable, adventurous, talkative, extroverted, always a little surprising, wild, crazy, huge rebel, confident, loyal,fair, honest, logical,self assured, capable,not easily intimidated,
always up to something,and people can always count on me..

i have a tons of energy..

i usually use my heart than my brain..

sometimes i strive for perfection..

i'm are friendly, charming, warm, relaxed, chill, light-hearted, and very likely to go with the flow...

i get along with almost everyone..

i'm a free spirit, and i resent anyone who tries to fence me in..

i'm balanced, orderly, and organized..

friends can say that i'm stubborn and headstrong..

well,,i definitely have a dominant personality..

At times, i can be a bit too serious..
i tend to put too much pressure on myself..
i may miss out by not settling down, but i'm too busy having fun to care..

i never give up to the things which i started... even if it takes a hundred tries and a bundle of consequences..

i'm rational enough to see every part of a problem and my friends said that i'm great at giving advices..

i'm well rounded, with a complete perspective on life..i pause for a while to capture what my future plans are..

At times, i can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things,i pull it together.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what's my secret to life..

i also have a very active imagination..and often get carried away with my thoughts..

yet,sometimes i have also my own insecurities, jelousy,and difficulties..

in my lovelife??
honestly,m a hopeLess romantic..
i still believe that evrything happens for a reason n a ryt tym, place, wid the ryt person..
i also believe in fairytales..
sometimes,,i often catch my self hoping and daydreaming for sum1..

i simpLy love 8 when i ruLe..

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